Saturday, December 22, 2007

New Book?

Since I finished the first Hitchhikers Guide, I figured why not read the sequel. Well now I am reading the sequel and it is not even close to as amusing as the original, as is the case with almost every sequel. I still have set out to finish this book, and hopefully it will get better. Similar to the last one which took a while for me to like, I hope it gets better. The random sidetracks which were my favorite part of the first book have come to a halt quickly, as I have only counted 2 or 3 in the first 30 pages. I'll keep reading and see how it goes.

In Class

In class we have been reading Much Ado About Nothing. I hate the book which I believe I have addressed in previous posts. Now I'm going to address the parts of the book that I like. First of all I like the character Don John. Even though he is evil for no reason, he still seems pretty cool, and I like his sly moves to ruin peoples lives. He is basically a total baller. Second, I like how stupid the plot is. As much as I've said I hated it, now I just think it's funny. Claudio wants to marry Hero. Don John is going to try to ruin it. Don Pedro thinks it's funny to make Benedick and Beatrice love each other so he does. The end? It's amusing.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


I finally finished this crazy unrealistic book, and although it was very interesting and rather funny, it was only decent because of all of the crazy terminology and sci-fi words it had. It was really interesting though. The whole book is centered around a book called the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. The book explains how to hitchhike for spaceships nearby, and how it is helpful. Arthur a simple man from Earth, gets tangled into this by his friend when they leave the Earth ASAP because its being attacked and destroyed by aliens. They go around the galaxy getting in trouble and have all sorts of adventures. The book also had many side-stories, and would drift off which by the end I started to like. Last year, when I read "Devil and the White City" that author side-tracked as well, but I hated it because the stories were irrelevant and unnecessary. The hitchhikers guides side-stories were very interesting. My favorite was probably when these people made a super computer that knows everything there is to know in the universe, and they asked it what the meaning of life was. The computer responded to give it a thousand years to come up with the answer and when the time came to answer the question it responded, 42. I thought it was funny and a little bit kooky that these poor people waited a thousand years to be given a number. The book was funny, and I might read the sequels as another outside reading book, but I'm still contemplating if it was really that good.


This whole post is going to be about how I dislike the play Much Ado about Nothing. I despise this play is the easiest way to put it into words. The main reason though, is because Don John is being evil for the sake of being evil. He has no reason to try to sabotage the marriage, and he has no reason to be evil. He's probably the worst villain ever. Additionally, I'm not a fan of the whole falling in love in a day that Shakespeare continually writes about. Last year when we read Romeo and Juliet they fall in love, get married, and kill themselves in a day. This year, they fall in love in a day, and I'm guessing they are going to get married very soon. That's so unrealistic to the times of today, which makes me wonder why we are reading it. Most of the books we read are classics, which means they will be relevant to the current day forever. This play doesn't seem to have a point, and I rather dislike it.

Sunday, December 9, 2007


After last years Shakespeare unit and play, I feel like I don't need to read yet another play. I don't see the point of learning about one author a lot, instead of learning a vague knowledge of many authors. Although I'm aware that Shakespeare is the greatest play writer ever, his works don't compel me, and more or less are confusing. I think a more modern version of it would be better for class, so I can understand what I'm reading. Also I see no point in watching a video with a worksheet to go with it, because we already got a fairly good amount of information about him last year before we read Romeo and Juliet. I'm not really happy with the selection of readings we have in this class so far, but if I must I'm going to try to make the best of this unit.

Hitchhikers guide

The hitchhikers guide is getting better. Although I'm still clueless to what all of these sci-fie words are, the plot is thickening. The main character Arthur is now trying to run away from what we on Earth would consider the police. I'm not really sure what he did wrong, because its a little unclear at this point but there have been some interesting side stories now. Like for instance, I have figured out that a long time ago a super computer was created so that we could learn what the meaning of life is, and now I know that the meaning of life is 42. I don't believe this, and I doubt very many people do believe it, but it was a fun little side track from the main story and plot. Overall so far, words are becoming more confusing, but the side stories and plot are getting muuuuch better.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Research Essay

For my research essay I have chosen the topic of gambling. Why do people do it? What makes them keep doing it? Is it an addiction? Should it be illegal? These are just a sample of the questions I have come up with, but the main one that will be the center of my paper, is should gambling be considered illegal? Very few states do consider it illegal, in fact only two do. Gambling is only illegal in Utah and Hawaii. This was odd because I saw gambling as merely a time for adults to have a little fun, but many people take it too far. Many people are willing to risk there family, job, home, and future just to get black jack. Also, compulsive gambling is one of the most overlooked addictions of all. There are only about 130 gambling help programs in the United States, verses alcoholic help programs which are in the thousands. Many people will go broke, and lose there family before they admit they have a problem and seek help. Quite simply, gambling is a serious problem.

Hitchhikers guide

My book the hitchhikers guide to the universe has gotten a whole lot better. I still don't understand a lot of the space mumbo jumbo but I'm getting better. So far in the book, this guy Arthur is about to have his house ran over to make a bypass. Arthurs friend who isn't actually human comes and informs him of an alien attack on Earth. The two of them quickly "hitch" a ride from a passing by spaceship and go off. Arthur coincidentally finds his ex-girlfriend on this ship, and too our knowledge these are the only surviving humans. Right now they're still on the ship, and it seems to be setting up for something big. The writing style of the book is my favorite part, because it is so simple, yet he makes the word choice and fluency so complex. He writes of a new character and then quickly lists off the characters characteristics. Also, he goes on certain sidetracks, and seems to fall off topic for multiple pages at a time, which I will be the first to say, can get annoying.